Some applications built in C++ (other software) will require this component to function. This is a package or library with additional computer code that will allow you to use various functions so that these programs will work on your PC. It is not installed by default because it is not always needed. But when you install a program that requires it, you will be prompted to install this library. It is important to know that these packages support all types of CPU architectures thanks to optimized x64 and x86 installers. However, it may be worth considering installing both of these packages, since there is a significant proportion of applications that require specific components for both types of architecture. This package requires little space and is easy to deploy on your computer. Luckily, there is nothing wrong with this as it is safe to say that having these packages on your computer is quite convenient. Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package is licensed as free software for a PC or laptop running 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems. It is located in the Components and Libraries category and is available as a free download to all software users.
How To Install:
After you get the 13,9 MB (Redistributable 2017 VC_redist.x86.exe or Redistributable 2017 VC_redist.x64.exe) installation file double click on the .exe file.
Then follow the setup steps.
Author |
Microsoft |
Last Updated On |
Runs on |
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP |
Total downloads |
98 |
File size |
14,59 MB |
Filename |
Redistributable 2017 VC_redist.x86.exeRedistributable 2017 VC_redist.x64.exe